Pirate Theatre Facing the End of the Boat as We Know It
Written by Harry Sonford Tuesday, 21 October 2014

While the gang at Pirate Theatre has been liable for various calamities--hyper-extended funny bones, involuntary bladder release and various laughter infections to name a few--now they face their greatest threat ever: the complete destruction of Steamboat Springs.
After unearthing an ancient doomsday prophecy from the local Milnerans, the last and certainly craziest descendants of the long-lost Mayans, Steamboat's only hope for survival rests in the hands of Colorado Jones, an adventurer and archaeologist who wanted to travel the world and save civilizations, but spent too much time getting high and rarely leaves Routt County.
With the help of his loyal and astonishingly annoying sidekick, Short Brian, Colorado Jones must face certain destruction, a frightening collection of rednecks, the perils of time travel and deadliest of all: a scorned ex-girlfriend.
He'll also encounter a pair of evil geniuses, an even scarier new nemesis, and a man who looks and sounds a little like Hunter S. Thompson. But can he save Steamboat, or will it be the End of the Boat as We Know It?
To find out, you'll have to come to the Steamboat Grand Ballroom on Nov. 20-22, 2014, at 8 p.m., and see Pirate Theatre's next and greatest multimedia performance. Sing along to new songs about the 1980s and Steamboat's rarest species: virgins. They'll also have new VIP wait service*, so you won't even have to get up for drinks.
To purchase tickets, pick them up at All That Jazz, or order them online at www.yourpirate.com or the Pirate Theatre Facebook page. But you better hurry, because if you miss out on this one, you may have to learn Steamboat's fate the hard way.
*Disclaimer: Those with weak bladders sit in the VIP section at their own risk.