U.S./World News
Cinco de Mayo Declared Off Limits to White People Unless They Wear 'Kiss Me I'm Mexican' T-Shirt
Written by Juan Anothercerveza Tuesday, 07 May 2013

After witnessing yet another Cinco de Mayo celebration with
endless amounts of 100-percent Caucasian young people get
"shit-canned" drunk during this Mexican holiday of independence,
the respective leaders of Mexico and Ireland announced a bilateral
treaty declaring that any white person partaking in the annual
festivities must, at a minimum, wear an enormous sombrero or a
"Kiss Me I'm Mexican" t-shirt.Under a new Irish/Mexican treaty, white Cinco de Mayo partygoers must demonstrate a tiny bit of cultural effort to partake in the day's binge drinking, beyond just slurring "ya ya ya, arriba, arriba!!!"
"It's just not respectful or fair to the good people of Mexico that drunken fratboys and skanky lushes use our beloved Day of Independence as an excuse to get hammered off their ass," said Enrique Peña Nieto, the current President of Mexico. "We have enough shit to deal with down here, and taking the blame for the drunken antics of white 20-somethings just isn't something we need any more. We realize we can't stop these kids from plowing through Coronas and tequila shots, but we can at least have some standards and requirements that make these gringos reflect, between vomiting sessions, on what it might be like to be Mexican and why this is an important holiday."
The unusual partnership with Ireland came about because the "Emerald...
Add a commentProgressive Church? New Pope Admits Da Vinci Code 'Pretty Good,' Prefers Book
Written by Opus Deidreamer Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Newly elected Pope Francis signaled a possible opening of Catholic doctrine by admitting he has seen "The Da Vinci Code," starring Tom Hanks, and thought it was "pretty good." He quickly countered that the book, written by Dan Brown, "was a little more complex."Pope Francis revealed a potentially controversial stance on The Da Vinci Code, diverging from previous Catholic leaders who felt it was "the Devil's work." "It's just a f*cking movie, people," he noted.
"Don't get me wrong," added Pope Francis. "I will maintain the longstanding official church stance that Jesus was never married to Mary Magdalene nor had any children with her, but I don't think we need to demonize creators of art for having unusual theories. I don't think we should wage war against what some might consider blasphemy. One of the other teams out there does a lot of that, and I don't think it's good for PR."
Pope Francis went on to say that the acting in "The Da Vinci Code" was "first rate," and the plot arc was "riveting at times."
"And although I felt the treatment of albino monks was somewhat derogatory, they're a much smaller demographic than those who watch movies, so I don't want to make a big fuss about it," he added. "The albino monks know I support them, whether they self-flagellate or not. Rock on my pigment-challenged brothers."
Add a commentNorth Korea's Supreme Leader Cancels Playdate with Neighbor, Won't Answer Tin-Can Phone
Written by Kim Kardashi-un Monday, 11 March 2013

Frustrated by repeated outbursts that were considered "showing
off" and "disrespectful," the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim
Jong-un, canceled his weekly playdate with a neighbor boy, Ri
Yong-ho, who lives just south of Kim Jong-un's massive Ryongsong
Residence palace complex in Pyongyang.North Korea's Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un, refuses to answer the tin-can phone he once shared with his southern neighbor, Ri Yong-ho, citing his former friend's jealousy of his "god-ness" as the deteriorating factor.
The Yong-ho family has provided playdates with leaders of North Korea since 1953, but it has been widely reported that the Supreme Leader, estimated to be 30 years old, now won't play Cowboys and Indians or Kick the Can with 12-year-old Yong-ho anymore. To add further insult to the trashed friendship, Kim Jong-un won't even answer the tin-can phone attached to a string that the young men had used for years to communicate the latest potential game of Connect Four or guess at which of the neighboring girls have "cooties" or not.
"I'm not speaking with him no more," said Jong-un from his throne of platinum and ivory tusks shaped to his likeness. "He was acting all like a big-shot and stuff, telling me how he beat me at jacks, when he knows full well the Supreme Leaders never lose at anything, especially Jacks, which I'm awesome at...
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NRA Proposes Breakable-Glass-Encased "Emergency Assault Rifles" in Every Hallway
Written by A.J. Fourtyseven Wednesday, 23 January 2013

The National Rifleman's Association (NRA) has countered
President Barack Obama's gun-safety measures with a proposal of its
own: "Emergency Assault Rifles" (EARs) in breakable-glass cases
placed in the hallways of every school, university, post office,
stadium, building, restaurant, bar and house--any place that such
an EAR can fit.The NRA's latest proposal to curb gun violence features putting loaded "Emergency Assault Rifles" in every building, including elementary schools, where the red boxes with breakable-glass-encased weapons would be placed low enough for seven-year-olds to reach them, ensuring their security.
"We've listened to the gun manufacturers, and based on their input, we believe this is the best solution to the terrible problem of not enough armed civilians using guns to take care of disturbances on their own," said Wayne LeWhatever, NRA executive vice president. "We realized that paying for several armed guards in every building across America would be overly expensive, so the portable EAR solved all of those cost issues. Schools and offices only need to pay for several of the breakable-glass-cased EARs upfront, and there no longer are any costs involved after that--except for possibly an annual training class so all of the employees and students can learn how to operate an assault...
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Jesus Returns to Thank Fox News for Rallying Against 'War on Christmas'
Written by Nate Tivity Sunday, 16 December 2012

Several dozen worshippers at Holy Name church in Kittypawpaw,
Miss., were shocked when its previously plastic, life-sized "Jesus
on the Cross" became animated with The Savior, who stepped down
from his perch to address the congregation.To the disappointment of Jehovah's Witness members (top), Jesus Christ returned to Earth (bottom) simply to give props to Fox News' coverage of the "War on Christmas" and not to confirm the religious group's theory that he would exterminate the rest of mankind.
"First of all, I hope I didn't freak anyone out too bad by showing up here and occupying this statue," said Jesus Hank Christ of Bethlehem, Palestine. "But as my big day nears, I couldn't stand by and watch any longer without speaking my mind. So I came down here to Earth to give a 'shout out' to all the television personalities at Fox News. Their annual crusade against those fighting the War on Christmas really symbolizes everything that I stand for, and I wanted that message to get back to them. Wait. I shouldn't use the word crusade. Let's change that to their annual witch hunt. Yes, that's better."
Christ added that he's sorry he hasn't stepped in to stop all the actual wars that have been committed worldwide, some admittedly in his name, but he felt that humans needed to work that out themselves, and that they'd never learn if he just did...
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