Steamboat Pilot Writers To Teach Grammar Class At CMC

Two Steamboat Pilot & Today writers, Marginally Hairy and Bent Boner, have been recruited by CMC Alpine campus president Pieder Piper to teach a writing class, not to CMC students, but to their administration.

The impetus for the class? "When I arrived on campus in 2008, I saw a sign posted in Bristol Hall notifying students that 'Social Psychology is ACNELLED. Professor is not feeling well.' and another advertising Meteorology 150 as a 'Guarantied Transfer.'' explains Piper. "I knew something had to be done. I immediately formed a committee to address the issue with. It's taken us two years to roll this out, but the class will be held during our Fall 2010 inservice."

The one day class will not only focus not only on the mechanics of writing such as punctuation and grammar, but will introduce PC apps such as Spell Check as well. "We are a college. We are educated people." maintains Piper. "Intellectual discipline, inquiry, rigor and debate all start with good English. We want to show the community that ski bums have standards to."

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