Oscar Mayer Changes Slogan, Abandons Wiener Name
Written by Frank N. Beans Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Due to continuing backlash caused by the online sexual exploits of former House Representative Anthony Weiner and current New York City mayoral candidate, processed-meat giant Oscar Mayer has unceremoniously dropped the word wiener, which is spelled differently but pronounced the same, from its products and slogans.
Due to a negative perception of the word wiener caused by a recent political scandal, Oscar Mayer changed all of its iconic marketing to strip out the offending word, including for the newly named Penis-Shaped Meatmobile."Thanks to one sleazy politician, the word wiener has been
tarnished to the point that we can't associate with it anymore,"
said company spokesperson Beau Lonie. "Now all you hear is 'Weiner
sucks' or 'that Weiner is disgusting,' and that's not in line with
Oscar Mayer products."
To help prevent small children or juvenile men from giggling at every mention of wiener, the hot dog's famous jingle has been changed to incorporate the product's new name:
I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Penis-Shaped Meat
That is what I'd truly like to be
'Cause if I were an Oscar Mayer Penis-Shaped Meat
Everyone would be in love with me.
"We feel that Oscar Mayer Penis-Shaped Meat is more dignified than the now-maligned wiener name," added Louie. "We...
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